Monday, January 31, 2011


This morning, I woke up to a low grunting from my son’s crib, which is normally the signal to “I’m awake!”. So I rolled out of bed as I usually do and walked to his crib. To my shock and awe, there’s my seven-month-old, sitting up in his crib, happy as can be, putting his hands out to me to pick him up. This is the first time he’s pulled himself up from a laydown to a sit and maintained it all by himself. At this moment, inside, I’m screaming, “Do you know you’re sitting?! All by yourself?!” but I figured if I had of let that out, I would have scared him and he would have fell over. So, instead I picked him up and praised him, and hugged him firmly. I suppose, that being a Mom is not about how great your baby is, or what they can do better than the other, but rather, a Mom doing what is best for her baby at every possible time. A Mom, is a person who thinks not of her own happiness first, but of both hers and her child’s happiness as an equal. There’s something you can chew on for today.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Our Break-Out To Blogger!

So we'll admit; we're a little new to this. Okay, brand-new. Despite that, we're going to continue to bring you the best possible prices, deals and information as we always have. All moms need and deserve a bit of a hand out there! Both figuratively and literally. We're here to help you! Whether that's bringing you the latest sales and coupons, low-cost baby clothing (both new and used), low cost clothing for you (both new and used), baby accessories or just support, we're here! We know it's difficult, and you're doing a great job! Now, let us help you with the other details. Check back often, because we'll try and update as much as we can. Also, you can check out our facebook page, our facebook profile, and of course our website! Our website is in the works right now, but it should be up and functional in the next few days. Thanks for reading, and we hope you follow us, so we can help you in your journey in Motherhood!
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